I thought about you this morning. I prayed for you, too, Then I thought about some things that I want you to know about life.
Here is what I should have told you before the —drama, boys, comparisons, trust, embarrassment, pressure, and other tumultuous situations that are unavoidable while growing up
Explore. Don’t stay in one place, get out into the world and see the wonder in it. Even on the tallest mountaintop you cannot see the world. You must get out of your room, get away from the television and computers and walk in it. Walk on the mountains, and kick off your shoes and play in the rivers that are in the valleys.
Go to new places. Try new food. Try new ways to exercise. Hike through new places. Whatever is in front of you that is good, take joy in trying.
Take wisdom with you as you go; and, gain new wisdom as you experience life.
Don’t be afraid of mistakes. Mistakes are like dancing in the rain with an umbrella. You can protect yourself from some of the wet, but sooner or later you will get wet. But don’t let that keep you from dancing in the rain. There can be great joy in dancing in the rain.
Protect you skin. Wear sunscreen. Men become distinguished with wrinkles. Women must plan ahead for old age by caring for themselves early in life.
There will always be mean girls. Take care of your emotional health and do not become one of the mean girls
Your two or three closest friends are really the only friends that matter.
Talk to yourself often and to God. Talk to those you see on the street and listen more than you speak. Here is where wisdom can be gained.
Speak kindly to yourself. Your Self will always believe the worst before it believes the good. Practice telling your Self the good.
Practice believing the good about yourself.
There is a lot of bad in this broken world, but practice finding Good.
Say, “Thank you” often – to God, to people, to the birds who sing outside your window.
“Thank you” helps you to see the good.
Eat a little chocolate each day. It helps,
Don’t obsess about your weight. You’ve probably got my sweet tooth and ability to pack on the pounds, but you know when I got my skinniest? When I stopped being so extreme about what I allowed myself to eat. Try eating a chocolate chip cookie without pretending it’s your last. Then you are less likely to eat the whole box.
Don’t try to look like the women in the magazines. Try to live healthy by eating healthy food – Real food not packaged. At least once, eat peas right out of your garden with your bare feet in the tilled earth.
Never stop exercising every day
Love the way you look. Love your body, with thick legs, or extra thin legs – learn that you were created perfectly.
Wear sunscreen!!!! Don’t wait until you’re thirty-five to realize you should have been taking care of your skin all along.
Love the way you are.
Your body is your body. If you have to go to extremes to change it, it won’t last and it will just take you longer to learn to love it.
Learn that even the things you call imperfections or faults, God calls perfectly made. He made you exactly this way for a reason.
Everything happens for a reason. Even when bad happens.
If you are ever feeling lonely, call your sister. She comes from the same place and understands you better than anyone. If you want a shoulder to cry on or a person to brag to, call your mom. She wants to hear all news— good and bad.
Practice peace.
But, really, get from in front of the electronics and live.
Contrary to everything you previously thought, your mom is pretty cool.
I love you more than you know.
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